About Me

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I am a neo-Victorian Steampunk Goth. I am a professional seamstress working in Las Vegas at "Le Reve," and an avid knitter. My friend and I have recently launched a podcast about Las Vegas, Knitting, and our educational experiences with both. My Ravelry username is RedQueen. Come friend me!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Too much IRL!!

I know, it's been a week, and I le suck, as we say at work. But I have really good reason. First off, I went to LA last weekend for 4 days, to visit family, go to Knott's Berry Farm (woo-hoo!), and (most important) shop at IKEA.

I'll post some about each of these in the next couple of days (hilarious adventures!), but now for the next excuse: the IKEA trip was to get bookshelves, which I installed in my nightmare office, and spent two days filling. Then we went to Lowe's Home Improvement and bought a bunch of crap to "remodel" the guest bath. So guess what? My Real Life has been completely taking over. Weird. So I'll get back to this after my paint dries.

1 comment:

  1. our blog came up on my google alert.

    Sounds like you had fun at IKEA and your office is getting more organized. Let me know if you ever need small stuff from IKEA, I go every two weeks. sven@modernlv.com
